Amazon Fulfilment Centre visit – Wed 30th Oct 2019

In the days when Doncaster Rovers’ home ground was Belle Vue, the town was proud of the fact that it had the largest playing area of any club in the Football League, at 110 yards long by 72 yards wide. But, in a town where size obviously matters, the old Rovers’ pitch would be dwarfed … Read more

Drax Power Station – Wed 5th Sept 2018

On a good day, the 12 cooling towers and 851-foot main chimney of Drax Power Station are a familiar site on the horizon from the uplands to the west of Sheffield, 35 miles away as the crow flies. But 28 members and guests of Stumperlowe Probus Club were afforded a much closer look at Britain’s … Read more

The Hawley Tool Collection – Wed 3rd July 2019

After Nick Duggan’s talk on his own cutlery collection two days earlier, the ‘made in Sheffield’ theme continued when 22 Stumperlowe Probus Club members gathered as arranged at the iconic Bessemer Converter outside Kelham Island Museum ready to start our guided tour of the Hawley Tool Collection. As Nick, the curator, pointed out, the Hawley … Read more

Wentworth Woodhouse – Wed 20th March 2019

Most of our members had read Catherine Bailey’s fascinating book Black Diamonds, the Rise and Fall of an English Dynasty, which maps the history of coal mining in South Yorkshire and the downfall of the Fitzwilliam family. So it was with great anticipation that we gathered at Wentworth Woodhouse – formerly Britain’s largest private residence, … Read more

Carr Head Farm Vineyard visit – Wed 18th July 2018

Several members of Stumperlowe Probus Club have more than a passing interest in wine, including at least two who are shareholders in a commercial-size French vineyard, but they learnt much about the trials and tribulations of smaller scale production on a Peak District hillside 950 feet above sea level. A party of 26 club members … Read more

A Visit to The Yorkshire Air Museum

A small but select group of Stumperlowe Probus Club members enjoyed an inspirational and at times emotional visit to the former RAF Elvington air base near York which now houses the Yorkshire Air Museum or, to give it its full name, the Allied Air Forces Memorial and Yorkshire Air Museum, on Wednesday, September 13. Our select … Read more