Speakers – to December 2024

We are currently holding meetings every first and third Monday of the month (except on Bank Holiday Mondays), with our guest speakers joining us at Fulwood Sports Club (10 for 10.30)

Probus Website – Speakers – July to December 2024

July 2024   
1Laura Alston“Our Botanical Gardens – a year spent interpreting its many variations”.rw
15Dick Birks“A lighter history of anaesthesia”rw
Aug 2024   
5Peter Stubbs“Triumph to Disaster: Germany 1814-1914″rw
19Bill Skipworth“Now I see”me
Sept 2024   
2Gerry Meininger“Anatomy of a Gunfight: The OK Corral”ga
16Peter Ivey“Optical fibre: Skipping the light fandango”ga
Oct 2024   
7Lavinia Jones“Talking heads: portraiture through time”rw/as
Nov 2024   
4Dame Pamela Shaw (plus Annual Lunch)” Neuroscience research at the University of Sheffield: past, present and future”rw
18Martin Cropper“Harmony Works: an exciting new home for musical education and for the Sheffield Music Academy in the heart of the city”rw
Dec 2024   
2John Parker“Does glass offer a sustainable future?”  rw
16Neil Hanson“The Inn at the Top”rw

rw = Richard Worth

me = Mick Etches

ga = Graham Anthony

as = Andrew Shorthouse