STOP PRESS! – Latest news – Wed 4th Sept 2024

After two recent talks by outside speakers, we have two of our own members lined up to speak to us in September.

Prof Gerry Meininger talked not about his career in medical physiology and pharmacology but instead analysed a story that has found its place in history through books and films since it took place in America’s Wild West in 1881.

Gerry’s talk on Mon 2nd September was entitled “Anatomy of a Gunfight: The OK Corral,” and Glyn Davies’s blog is now published under Previous Talks.

The gunfight, which lasted for less than a minute, was the result of a long-simmering feud between five outlaws (including two sets of brothers) and four representatives of the law (including three brothers). The trigger for the event was the local marshal’s decision to enforce a city ordinance that prohibited the carrying of weapons into town.

At our next meeting on Mon 16th September, our member Prof Peter Ivey, an acknowledged expert in the field of computers and IT, will be giving us a talk entitled “Optical fibre: Skipping the light fandango”

The club’s coach trip to Saltaire and Salts Mill on Wed 18th September is all but fully booked. With organiser Graham Blincow offering to sit in the courier’s seat at the front of the coach, there are just TWO places remaining. Anybody wishing to take up these seats, at just £30 per head including lunch, should give Graham a ring on 0114 230 4108.

Click here for recent talks.

Our speaker programme through to Dec 2024 is now loaded, click here to view.