Social Bowls Evening – Thurs 10th Aug 2023

Not so much a visit, unless you regard the bowlers’ clubhouse next door to the main Fulwood Sports Club building as a destination in its own right, but we had a very enjoyable social bowls evening, followed by a pie and pea supper in the main bar, on one of the warmest and sunniest evenings … Read more

7th Aug 2023 – Sheffield Gang Wars of the 1920s – Martin Rowley

A packed house at Fulwood Sports Club – it was almost standing room only – suggested that members were eagerly anticipating what turned out to be a spellbinding talk. Indeed, Martin Rowley’s graphic slideshow presentation came with a health warning for the more squeamish amongst us. Almost all large cities had their gang wars, especially … Read more

15th May 2023 – The Rise of the Machines: How Artificial Intelligence is Taking Over the World (and Why You Shouldn’t Panic … Yet) – Prof Peter Ivey

Computers have changed most people’s lives beyond recognition over the last 30 or 40 years. The Tandy 200 laptop terminals I was using as a journalist in the 1980s had a built-in memory of roughly 20,000 bytes, sufficient to upload 3,000 words of text into a newspaper’s editorial system. There are one million bytes in … Read more

Yorkshire Water Ewden Treatment Plant – Wed 10th May 2023

More than three years after lockdown and our last very successful visit to the Sheffield Assay Office, Stumperlowe Probus Club resumed what will hopefully be a regular programme of outside visits when we toured Yorkshire Water’s Ewden fresh water treatment plant on the River Don north of Sheffield. Yorkshire Water is one of the largest … Read more

17th Oct 2022 – The Tale of Foxy Knoxy – Prof Tim Stephenson

American student Amanda Knox spent almost four years in an Italian prison following her wrongful conviction for the murder of fellow student Meredith Kercher. But was she really wrongly convicted? Stumperlowe Probus Club members made up a 32-strong jury which was asked to cast judgement after an enlightening hour-long examination of the facts by their … Read more