25th March 2024 – The International Role of a PoW Camp in Two World Wars – Prof Bob Moore

Our speaker Bob Moore, Professor Emeritus of 20th Century European history at Sheffield University, who spoke to us via Zoom from his home in Oxfordshire. Bob started by explaining how, before 1918, Redmires/Lodge Moor had been used as an exercise and summer camp location for local militia from the 1860s, including the Sheffield City Battalion … Read more

20th Nov 2023 – Modern cancer care: reasons to be cheerful – Prof Robert Coleman

We are very fortunate in Stumperlowe Probus in having members drawn from many different walks of business and professional life with years of experience gained in their chosen areas of expertise. One such member, Rob Coleman, joined the club just over a year ago following his retirement from an extremely successful career in medicine as … Read more

6th March 2023 – Gene-based therapy for Deafness and Age-related hearing loss – Prof Walter Marcotti

Prof Marcotti, Professor of Sensory Neuroscience at the University of Sheffield, began his talk by showing how we hear by putting on screen a diagram of the ear. He explained that the cochlea shown in the diagram is a spiral-shaped bone structure found in the inner ear that contains the hearing organ. This organ plays … Read more