What The Papers Said In WW2 – David Seed – 15th September 2014.

David based his talk on the headlines and front pages of 14 British and American newspapers during the build up and the war years.

The radio was in its infancy and major communication with the public was through the printed word. The papers were duty bound to report the facts but also to strive for that balance between good and bad news. Nevertheless, it was not unknown for newspapers to be used for propaganda to maximize the successes and play down the setbacks.

Early headlines were:

Chamberlain declares ‘Peace in our Time’   1938 conference.
War Declared     3rd September 1939.
Chamberlain to resign   10th May 1940.

 Major events and stages in the war were splashed across the headlines.

Japanese bomb Pearl Harbour.
Bismark sunk.
Rommel Surrounded.
H.M.S Hood Sunk.
Nazis Halted before Moscow.

 The Americans join the war. The Italians switch sides.

Italy takes the Plunge. 11th June 1940.
Italy declares War on Germany.  14th October 1943.
The Yanks join us.

 The run up to the end of the war was chronicled.

The Allies are in Rome.
Decisive Battle for France has been won 19th August 1944.
Unsinkable sunk/Blasting of Dresden 14th February 1945

And finally.

Celebrate , The War is Over.

By the end of the war, broadcasting made a significant contribution in keeping the public informed of the build up to the surrender

An important topic for members of Stumperlowe Probus Club and a massive reminder of the debt we owe to the generation that made us free. As usual, there were plenty of questions and comments from the floor, particularly from Eric Allsop who was there and helped make the headlines.