Speakers – to July 2025

Probus Website – Speakers – March to July 2025

Mar 2025    
3Lee Thompson“The World’s most secretive state – a trip inside North Korea” Lee, retired professor of physics and much travelled in his career, will give us a unique insight to this unusual country.rw
17Alison Gardner and Ben Keywood“Wild Sheffield”Ben gave us a fascinating talk in 2018 about moths! He is joined by his colleague Alison this time to tell us about the work of the Sheffield and Rotherham Wildlife Trustrw
April 2025    
7Paul Iseard“Sheffield’s Portland Works – updated”Paul previously talked to us about The Humble Fork. He is closely involved with Sheffield’s unique Portland Works and will explain what has changed in the last 10 years or so.rw
14 (Extra)Ashley Tuck“Sheffield Castle: recent excavation results, identity and meaning”Ashley has led the exciting work of Wessex Archaeology since 2016 in the excavation of Sheffield’s large, old castle, sadly razed to the ground after the Civil War.rw
21Easter MondayNo meeting  
May 2025    
5Early May BHNo meeting  
12AGM (agreed 12 Dec)No talk  
19Alan Baker (hopefully in person but possibly Zoom)“Plants with Mettle”  Alan is a world expert on metal loving plants. His fascination with these plants originated with the ones growing in the old mine workings in the Peak District.rw
June 2025    
2Ken Dash“Meersbrook Hall – recovering 250 years of a Georgian mansion”Ken talked to us before about Sheffield’s lovely old Bishops House. Meersbrook Hall is a Grade 2 listed Georgian building which has its own fascinating history.rw
16Don Stazicker“Fly Fishing: The Hidden World of the Derbyshire Wye”Although Don is a renowned flyfishing expert, the focus of his talk will be of more general interest and reveal the magic of the River Wye using some of his impressive photography.rw/as
July 2025    
7Quentin Kopp“The Many Lives of Georges Kopp, Orwell’s Commander in Spain”Chairman of the Orwell Society, Quentin’s father Georges Kopp met his mother through having been George Orwell’s Commanding Officer in the Spanish Civil War.rw/as
21Alan Spears“What Geology did for us in Sheffield”By popular request, our member Alan, retired Professor of Geology, is returning to explain about the geology local to our area.rw