The Northern Powerhouse and Sheffield Economy – John Mothersole, Chief Executive of Sheffield Council – 11th April 2016.

The policy initiative behind the Northern Powerhouse, put in motion more than ten years ago, is that the North of England is larger than some countries and should be in control of making its own decisions. Economic facts about Sheffield. Sheffield has a population of 563,000 people The employment rate is 71% of people of … Read more

The Slow Road (A journey around the English Waterways) – Mike Ogden – 4th January 2016.

Mike told us that, in the past, a few separate rivers were joined by canals to form a huge connected waterways system. This was a strictly commercial enterprise aimed at transporting freight to fuel the Industrial Revolution. The canals now fit seamlessly in to the landscape and are mainly used for our leisure enjoyment. Mike … Read more

From Tradition to Modernity – Professor Emeritus Peter Fawcett – 19th October 2015.

Modern architecture came to Britain from the Continent in the 1930s by way of black and white illustrations and publications. These were followed by architects who were refugees many of them Jewish, from Hitler’s pre-war Germany. They transformed our British architecture. Modernism could be considered as an equilateral triangle with a different factor at each … Read more

Parkinson’s Disease: Where did my habits go?  – Professor Peter Redgrave MSc, PhD – 10th August 2015.

Professor Peter Redgrave works at the Sheffield University and lectures in the Department of Psychology. He says that his research philosophy assumes that to diagnose and correct what has gone wrong in a complicated system like the brain, it is helpful to have a good understanding of its normal function. In his talk he explained what Parkinson’s disease is, … Read more